Monday, 4 April 2011

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The genre of our production that we decided upon was a psychological thriller.
The primary target audience of this genre is normally the ages 15+, this is because they usually include a lot of violence and numerous psychological issues which some younger viewers may find disturbing.

Therefore, for our production we have decided upon rating our beginning sequence suitable for ages 15+. This is because we deem our opening of the film to have possibly some disturbing elements which may unsettle younger viewers, yet there is no extreme violence within our production or any gory elements that are regarded as being overly explicit so this age limit seemed appropriate for our main task.

Our production is obviously aimed towards people who particularly enjoy this genre of film, but mainly at the age group of female teenagers, as the main character is a female teenager. We tried to include as many techniques associated with psychological thrillers as possible, such as the distressed protagonist, usually a female depicted as being weak and vulnerable,thrilling music and a bad character to create the conflict with is essential in any storyboard in order for it to progress. These are used so that it appears much like a typical one with similar aspects that the audience are able to relate to much easier and associate with the same genre.

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