Monday, 21 March 2011

Main task production report

We have been filming our footage for the post production for the previous 6 weeks and are close to completing our shots for the main task.

During the filming process our script and shot plan changed so that we could determine which shots were appropriate for the scene being filmed.

A problem features during the filming stage was the weather. On occasions it was sunny and others it was cloudy therefore it affected the general atmosphere and mood of the shot according to the pathetic fallacy which we aimed to achieve. We tried not to let this affect our shots by making sure we filmed important areas and scenes on the same day so that the weather stayed the same for the numerous shots we included.

Also, we had to ensure that no sun glare was on the lens of the camera making the shot look unclear. On cloudy days, we aim to improve the footage by making the lighting in the background brighter to match the weather on the sunny days.
Our group had to be prepared in order of remembering props so that when we did shots they were corresponding and looked as though they were filmed on the same day. We aimed to make our footage in terms of accuracy, look as faultless as possible.

The sounds with the footage were not as clear as we would have liked. Therefore, we aspire to add in the corresponding sound effects to make it sound more clean. For example, the sound effect of a stick snapping will be added, and perhaps the increasing sound of footsteps. The background music was originally Bethan playing the piano, because we felt the improvised music matched nicely with the chosen genre of the film that we decided upon. We found through a survey that without necessarily initially noticing, classical music is particularly effective in captivating the audience.

For example, if you were to play the opening of a film, without the classical music included within it, the viewer feels no connection and easily loses interest because of this. The background music of any film is the main contributor to the desired emotion wanted on the audience by the director.

The main character played by Bethan Syddall was chosen as the group felt it would be an advantage as having a performing arts student act in our group, instead of relying on other actors, we found it more practical to have our own group in our production in order to saved a lot of time.

Likewise, we chose our strengths as in Gareth had the most knowledge to do with the technology included, so he helped a lot with the editing stages on Final Cut Pro 7. We all have a significant input, but in different areas of creating our main task. Working as a group means that we have different responsibilities to contribute to the final product, but still corporate others ideas with our answers.

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